RECEIVED DATE (will be automatically inserted after manuscript is accepted)A common strategy for analyzing the active sites of metalloenzymes is to synthesize coordination complexes that have structures and/or reactivity properties related to but simpler than the actual site. Polypeptide ligands are increasingly used in such endeavors, as the resulting metallopeptides (also called maquettes) are water-soluble and have proteinaceous secondary spheres that mimic metalloprotein environments. Moreover, polypeptide scaffolds are suitable for building complex systems with multiple metal centers, distorted geometries, as well as regulatory and cooperative properties. Amino acid sequences used in synthesizing metallopeptides are generally selected by socalled rational design methods.These methods use computational algorithms that consider physical/chemical properties of proteins in aqueous solution, as well as consensus sequences of target metal-binding regions or of proteins with desirable secondary structures. [1][2][3][4] DeGrado used such a de novo design approach to construct a metallopeptide model of the dinuclear Fe-oxo site of ribonucleotide reductase.5 Polypeptide helices incorporating hemes and Zn ions have also been synthesized in this manner. 4,[6][7][8][9][10][11] Imperiali and coworkers have constructed sophisticated Zn and Cu metallopeptides that function as chemosensors.12-15 Gibney and Dutton utilized the consensus sequence of ferredoxins to build Fe 4 S 4 -cluster-coordinating polypeptides that are redox active and exhibit characteristic EPR signals.2,3 Holm and Laplaza used polypeptides as scaffolds to assemble Fe 4 S 4 clusters in close proximity to Ni centers, with the aim of modeling the A-cluster of acetyl-Coenzyme A synthase (ACS). 16 This center has also been modeled by Holm, Riordan, Sellmann, and Pohl using nonproteinaceous ligands. [17][18][19][20] Although such constructs are catalytically inactive and lack the precise spectroscopic, redox, and substrate-binding characteristics of the A-cluster, they each represent outstanding progress towards this difficult modeling goal.A related approach, known as "redesign", alters existing protein structures by adding/modifying metal centers and/or regulatory elements. Caradonna et al. used the DEZYMER algorithm to incorporate an Fe 4 S 4 synthetic cluster within the protein matrix of thioredoxin. 21,22 This resulted in a redox-active high potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP). Similar approaches were used to synthesize a functional rubredoxin 23 and a catalytic Fe-superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD).
24Lu and coworkers introduced a Cu B center into both sperm whale myoglobin and cytochrome c peroxidase, thus successfully engineering hemecopper oxidases. 25,26 Much progress have also been made in redesigning heme and non-heme iron proteins.
27The difficulties involved in modeling the active sites of complex metalloenzymes such as the A-cluster of ACS can be gauged from a description of the natural system. ACS from Clostridium thermoaceticum is a 310 kda prote...