. Can. J. Chem. 55, 4048 (1977). The reactions between NaBH, and Ni(I1) have been studied in the presence of a variety of ligands in an effort to determine (a) the conditions under which reduction occurs, (b) the extent of the reduction (e.g. to Ni(I), Ni(0) complexes, or to Ni metal or boride), and (c) whether intermediate Ni complexes can be isolated.With ligands having no n-bonding capabilities (NH3, ethylenediamine, edta, citrate), reduction depends upon the Ni:ligand ratio and, in the presence of an excess of the ligand, reduction of Ni(1I) is very slow. When vacant coordination sites exist on the metal through dissociation of, for example, Ni(NH,),'+, allowing for the interaction of the BH4 group with the metal, then rapid reduction to the metal (or boride) takes place.With the K-bonding N-donor ligands 1,lO-phenanthroline (phen) and 2,2'-bipyridyl (bipy) reduction of the stable ML,'+ complexes probably occurs via an outer-sphere electron transfer mechanism but, in these cases, new species of the type NiL2X (L = phen, bipy; X = BH4, PF6, BPh4), which formally contain Ni(I), have been isolated. Lorsque les ligands n'ont pas de capacitt de liaisons n (NH,, tthylknediamine, edta, citrate), la reduction depend du rapport Ni : ligand et, en prtsence d'un exces de ligand, la reduction de Ni(I1) est tres lente. Quand des sites de coordination vacants existent sur le metal par I'intermtdiaire d'une dissociation, par exemple de Ni(NH,),'+, permettant une interaction du groupe BH4 avec le metal, il y a alors une rtduction rapide conduisant au mttal (ou borure).Avec des ligands donneurs par l'azote et pouvant crter des liens K comme la phtnanthroline-1,10 (phen) et bipyridyl-2,2' (bipy) la reduction des complexes stables ML,,+ se produit probablement par l'intermkdiaire d'un mtcanisme de transfert Clectronique au niveau de la sphere exttrieure mais dans ces cas on peut isoler de nouvelles esfices du type NiL,X (L = phen, bipy; X = BH,, PF,, BPh4) qui contiennent d'une f a~o n formelle du Ni(1).
[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionIt is known that the presence of certain ligands prevents the rapid reduction by NaBH, of metal salts to the metal or to the insoluble borides (1). Without doubt, reactions between NaBH, and transition metal complexes containing phosphines are best documented and, in the case of nickel, these proceed by two different routes.