The X-ray crystal structures of human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) with bound inosine or transition state analogues show His 257 within hydrogen-bonding distance to the 5′-hydroxyl. The mutants His257Phe, His257Gly, and His257Asp exhibited greatly decreased affinity for Immucillin-H (ImmH), binding this mimic of an early transition state as much as 370-fold (K m /K i ) less tightly than native PNP. In contrast, these mutants bound DADMe-ImmH, a mimic of a late transition state, nearly as well as the native enzyme. These results indicate that His 257 serves an important role in the early stages of transition state formation. Whereas mutation of His 257 resulted in little variation in the PNP·DADMe-ImmH·SO 4 structures, His257Phe·ImmH·PO 4 showed distortion at the 5′-hydroxyl, indicating the importance of H-bonding in positioning this group during progression to the transition state. Binding isotope effect (BIE) and kinetic isotope effect (KIE) studies on the remote 5′-3 H for the arsenolysis of inosine with native PNP revealed a BIE of 1.5% and an unexpectedly large intrinsic KIE of 4.6%. This result is interpreted as a moderate electronic distortion toward the transition state in the Michaelis complex with continued development of a similar distortion at the transition state. The mutants His257Phe, His257Gly, and His257Asp altered the 5′-3 H intrinsic KIE to −3%, −14%, and 7%, respectively, while the BIEs contributed 2%, 2%, and −2%, respectively. These surprising results establish that forces in the Michaelis complex, reported by the BIEs, can be reversed or enhanced at the transition state.
Keywordspurine nucleoside phosphorylase; mutagenesis; binding isotope effect; kinetic isotope effect; transition state; binding distortion; transition state geometry; dynamics Determination of the transition state structure of enzymatic reactions allows for the design of tight binding transition state analogue inhibitors. These transition state mimics can subvert the energetics that govern formation of the enzymatic transition state to achieve binding orders of magnitude stronger than that of substrate. The transition state structures of enzymatic reactions have frequently been established by measuring kinetic isotope effects (KIEs 1 ) from the competitive reaction of isotopically labeled substrates. These isotope effects on k cat /K m , often † Supported by NIH Research Grant GM41916.* To whom correspondence should be addressed.; Telephone, (718) 430-2813; Fax, (718) . ‡ Current address: Department of Chemistry, Barnard College, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027. § Current address: Center for Synchrotron Bioscience, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973.1 Abbreviations: KIE, kinetic isotope effect; V/K KIE, kinetic isotope effect on the second-order rate constant, k cat /K m ; BIE, binding isotope effect; HsPNP, human purine nucleoside phosphorylase; PDB, Protein Data Bank; ImmH, Immucillin-H; DADMe-ImmH, 4′-deaza-1′-aza-2′-deoxy-1′-(9-methylene)-Immucillin-H; RMS, root mea...