There is a need in The Netherlands to understand the future prospects of imaging techniques in cancer care to deal with current and expected capacity decisions. For this, a Delphi research was performed with a panel of 35 noted experts. The panel anticipates that the application of imaging techniques (e.g., CT, MRI, PET) will gradually change; especially, their use will also include earlier stages, i.e., cancer screening and treatment. The increasing need and investments for these techniques will be partly balanced by new developments (e.g., faster technology). There will be a substantial decrease in the use of ultrasound, CT (except for screening), and conventional radiographic diagnostics. Radical new techniques and/or developments are not expected. The panel foresees increasing partial task substitution and subspecialization. Further, a profound impact on imaging techniques is expected from developments outside the imaging field such as digitalization, changing patient demands, and commercialization.