A simple method is described for detecting 3H in polyacrylamide gels by scintillation autography (fluorography) using X-ray film. The gel is dehydrated in dimethyl sulphoxide, soaked in a solution of 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) in dimethylsulphoxide, dried and exposed to R P Royal "X-Omat" film at -70 "C. Optimal conditions for each step are described. ,&particles from 3H interact with the 2,5-diphenyloxazole emitting light which causes local blackening of an X-ray film. The image produced resembles that obtained by conventional autoradiography of isotopes with higher emission energies such as 14C. 3000 dis. 3H/min in a band in a gel can be detected in a 24-h exposure. Similarly 500 dis./min can be detected in one week.When applied to the detection of s5S and l4C in polyacrylamide gels, this method is ten times more sensitive than conventional autoradiography. 130 dis. 3% or 14C/min in a band in a gel can be detected in 24 h.Autoradiography has been widely used to dettec labelled compounds after electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. It is simple, rapid and does not involve destruction of the sample, but its use has been restricted to such isotopes as 14C, 35S, 32P, l25I and 1311. In spite of its lower emission energy, 3H remains the most satisfactory isotope for a wide range of experiments because a wide range of 3H-labelled precursors is available at high specific radioactivity. Hitherto efficient detection of 3H in gels has required scintillation counting of dissolved gel slices, a timeconsuming procedure which affords limited resolution and destroys the sample.Wilson [l] showed that the detection efficiency for 3H on paper chromatograms can be increased by impregnating the chromatogram with a scintillator before applying film. Thus the film is not exposed by /%particles themselves, but by light generated by interaction of the b-particles with 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO). Randerath [2] has studied the factors which contribute to the efficiency of this process (fluorography or scintillation autography). He has shown that treatment of thin-layer chromatograms with a solution of PPO in ether permits efficient detection of 3H-labelled nucleotides by medical X-ray film. Until