This research was intended at exploring the ideology behind the war of Puputan Badung. The researchers observed, there were many questionsideological regarding the attitude of the King and his retinue in conducting puputan. Therefore, the expression of the ideology behind Puputan Badung was very interesting to study. There were three problems are investigated, namely (1) the ideology behind the war of Puputan Badung, (2) the process of implanting the Puputan Badung ideology, (3) the Puputan Badung implementation in the current context. These issues were discussed using several theories namely, the theory of power relations and knowledge, and the theory of deconstruction. This research on its implementation used a qualitative approach. In terms of data analysis, the emphasis was not on measurement but on efforts to describe and explore the various meanings behind socio-cultural actions carried out by humans. The results study showed that the ideology behind the war of Puputan Badung namely, wirang, honor, Rana Yadnya dan Mati Tan Tumut Pejah, and conservatism. The ideology implantation was conducted through several mediums namely, puppetry, literary work, family, and government.