The rescue of stalled replication forks via a series of steps that include fork regression, template switching, and fork restoration often has been proposed as a major mechanism for accurately bypassing non-coding DNA lesions. Bacteriophage T4 encodes almost all of the proteins required for its own DNA replication, recombination, and repair. Both recombination and recombination repair in T4 rely on UvsX, a RecA-like recombinase. We show here that UvsX plus the T4-encoded helicase Dda suffice to rescue stalled T4 replication forks in vitro. This rescue is based on two sequential template-switching reactions that allow DNA replication to bypass a non-coding DNA lesion in a non-mutagenic manner.DNA template-strand lesions that prevent the extension of primer strands are usually lethal. Four general mechanisms operate to overcome such lethality: direct repair that regenerates a native structure (e.g. photoreaction and dealkylation), excision repair that replaces damaged bases or deoxyribose residues, translesion synthesis that is usually mutation-prone, and recombination repair that accurately bypasses DNA damage.The essence of recombination repair is that it derives accurate genetic information from the nascent sister chromatid (or from a homologous chromosome when repairing a double strand break); excision repair, on the other hand, derives the requisite genetic information from the complementary strand of the same double helix. Recombination repair was first characterized in Escherichia coli (1-4). The classical E. coli breakreunion model holds that blocked primer extension is followed by downstream reinitiation, leaving a gap that is then filled at least in part by the physical donation of a strand of appropriate polarity cut from the sister chromatid. The donating strand gap is filled by DNA synthesis, whereas the blocking lesion remains as a problem for the future.Recent progress in understanding recombination repair, based mainly on work with E. coli, has highlighted its importance for rescuing replication forks stalled at sites of DNA damage or spontaneous fork collapse (8 -11). One model of recombination repair (Fig. 1) invokes a topological rearrangement in which the fork regresses into a configuration in which the parental strands reanneal and the two daughter strands anneal. This rearrangement generates a structure that constitutes a Holliday junction and that to some resembles a chicken foot (12). In the case of a primer strand whose extension is blocked by a lesion in the template strand, fork regression provides a template that allows limited primer extension. Subsequent reformation of a conventional replication fork then provides a primer strand that has accurately bypassed the template lesion. This pathway was named replication repair and was initially suggested to occur during mammalian DNA replication (5). It was later validated by genetical and enzymological analyses in phage T4 (6, 7).In addition to a DNA polymerase, the canonical model of replication repair (Fig. 1) immediately suggests roles f...