Abstract. When single leaves attached at a given node were allowed to carry on photosynthesis in 14CO2 for 30 min, younger plants showed a higher proportion of upward translocation than did older plants. Downward translocation of 14C-photosynthate was stimulated by ATP pre-treatment of the translocating leaf, while upward translocation was not affected by ATP. A similar phenomenon was observed in the translocation of 14C-sucrose infiltrated into a leaf with or without ATP. Downward translocation of photosynthate was inhibited by DNP pre-treatment of a fed leaf. Upward translocation, however, was not affected by DNP. Thirty min after infiltration of 14C-glucose into a leaf, almost all the 14C translocated upwards was found to be in the form of glucose, whi'le a great part of the 14C translocated downwards was in the form of sucrose. In the case of translocation of infiltrated 14C-suerose, 14C found both above and below the fed leaf was mainly in the form of sucrose.In our previous study (7) 2) whether the mechanisms of upward and downward translocation were different: 3) whether the translocation pattern of infiltrated a C-sugars corresponded to that of 14 C-photosynthates.
Materials and MethodsSunflower (Helianthts annuus) plants were grown at 25°for 4 to 9 weeks in a growth cabinet programmed to a 13 hr photoperiod of 30,000 lux at leaf level and an 11 hr dark period. Almost all experiments were carried out with 5-week-old plants about 20 cm tall. The first or second leaf from the base of the plant at the above-mentioned stage was mainly used as the fed leaf in all the experiments. Each experiment was done with 3 plants selected both for uniformity of height and leaf size. Every datum in the tables and figures is the average value for 3 plants.Feeding. To feed 14CO2, a leaf was enclosed in a transparent photosynthetic chamber. Seventy ,uc of 14CO.) were generated and introduced into the chamber as previously described (7). The whole planit was placed under illumination of 30,000 lux for 30 min to allowv the fed leaf to fix 14CO. and at the samiie time translocate 14C-photosynthate to parts both above and below the fed leaf. 14C-sucrose or '4C-glucose was introduced into leaves by vacuum infiltration. After infiltration for 2 min, the leaf was removed from the vessel, washed with distilled water, and kept under illumination for 30 min to translocate the infiltrated 14C-sugars.Treatmnent With A TP and DNP. The ATP solution (di-potassium salt, 2 X 10-2 M in phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, 5 X 10-2 M) or DNP solution (10-4 M in phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, 5 X 10-2 M) was introduced into the fed leaf by means of vacuum infiltration. The phosphate buffer above was infiltrated into a corresponding leaf of the control plant.