The temperature dependence of the optical properties for amorphous silicon is studied at wavelengths of 632.8 and 752 nm. Both the refractive index and extinction coefficient increase linearly with temperature for 752 nm, while the refractive index decreases and the extinction coefficient increases for 632.8 nm. The rate of increase of the extinction coefficient at 632.8 nm is twice as much as that for 752 nm.The temperature dependence of the optical properties of solids, especially crystalline silicon (c-Si), has been the focus of many studies.`-3 This interest is partly motivated by the desire for better understanding of the laser-material interaction, such as laser annealing 4 and laser-induced explosive evaporation of liquid films. 5 Numerical simulations of laser annealing fit well to experimental observations, 6 ' 7 but it is often concluded that the temperature dependence of the optical properties of the material must be taken into account in order to achieve better agreement with experiments. 8 9 Amorphous silicon (a-Si), however, is less studied in this aspect. Although a great deal of room-temperature data are available,' 0 only a few reports have been made on the studies of the temperature dependence of its optical constants at the Nd:YAG wavelength (1064 nm), which indicated almost no temperature dependence. 1 1 -' 3 Thus the optical constants for a-Si have been considered as constant with temperature. However, we reported recently that this assumption is not true at the wavelength of 752 nm.' 4 At this wavelength with stronger optical absorption, we observed a significant increase of the optical constants for a-Si with temperature. Based on this observation we developed a new technique for the transient measurements of the temperature profile in thin a-Si films on fused-quartz substrates using the optical transmission probe at 752 nm.'6"1 6 This method has been successfully applied to our studies on the nucleation dynamics of the explosive evaporation of liquid films on a-Si samples irradiated by UV laser pulses and provided useful data. 16,17In a previous paper' 4 we pointed out that a larger temperature dependence of the optical constants for a-Si is possible in the stronger absorption regime. Therefore we extend here the investigations to shorter wavelengths, especially to the He-Ne laser wavelength. This is also of practical importance, since the He-Ne laser is the most widely available and the most commonly used laser for optical probing. Here we present the results of our comparative study at the wavelengths of 632.8 and 752 nm. The temperature range of the measurements here is also broader compared with that in our previous research.' 4 As we expected, we observe a significant temperature dependence for n(T) and k(T) for a-Si also at the He-Ne laser wavelength.The a-Si samples for our experiment are 0.2 /.tm thick and prepared in the same way as previously reported' 4 by e-beam evaporation of c-Si in vacuum (10-v Torr) onto fused-quartz substrates (250 /um thick). The substrate temperature...