Questions regarding how primordial or pristine the comets of the solar system are have been an ongoing controversy. In this review, we describe comets' physical evolution from dust and ice grains in the solar nebula to the contemporary small bodies in the outer solar system. This includes the phases of dust agglomeration, the formation of planetesimals, their thermal evolution and the outcomes of collisional processes. We use empirical evidence about comets, in particular from the Rosetta Mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, to draw conclusions about the possible thermal and collisional evolution of comets.Keywords comets; formation of planetesimals; evolution of planetesimals
IntroductionComets are believed to be the most pristine objects of our solar system. They consist of several ices, mainly water ice but also super-volatiles such as CO or CO 2 ice, as well as refractory materials such as minerals, organics and salts. This composition obviously results in cometary gas and dust if the insolation is intense enough. In principle, a comet becomes dust-active if the outgassing rate is large enough to release dust particles against holding forces such as gravity and cohesion [1]. However, the exact physical mechanism of the ejection of dust is not yet well understood. Additionally, several aspects of the formation and evolutionary pathways of comets are still under debate. In this work, we provide a detailed overview of how icy planetesimals may have formed in the protoplanetary disc (PPD) and may have evolved into present-day bodies of the solar system, including comets. In Figure 1, we provide a graphical overview of the formation and evolutionary stages from protoplanetary dust to the contemporary small bodies in the solar system; we explain the stages in detail in the following sections. A more detailed version of Figure 1 can be found at IGEP/AG_Blum/Comet_Formation.pdf (accessed on 5 May 2022) and in the Supplementary Materials. In Section 2, the coagulation processes of the dust and ice particles are summarised, beginning with an overview of protoplanetary discs. In this work, we use the nomenclature proposed by Güttler et al. 2019 [2]. When referring to particles, their sizes are not further constrained. However, (dust or ice) grains are restricted to the (sub-)micrometre size range and are assumed to be homogeneously composed of one material only. Agglomerates consist of grains and can be heterogeneous in composition. The hit-and-stick growth of particles stops at growth barriers where pebbles, millimetre-to decimetresized porous agglomerates, are formed. Section 3 discusses the formation of planetesimals from pebbles via streaming instability and subsequent gravitational collapse. The required properties of the particles and the protoplanetary disc, as well as other scenarios, are briefly discussed. The different evolutionary processes that can alter the formed planetesimals are then presented in Section 4. The forma...