In this study we examined the processes by which malate and pyruvate are taken up across the leucoplast envelope for fatty acid synthesis in developing castor (Ricinus communis L.) seed endosperm. Malate was taken up by isolated leucoplasts with a concentration dependence indicative of protein-mediated transport.The maximum rate of malate uptake was 704 f 41 nmol mg-' protein h-' and the K,,, was 0.62 f 0.08 mM. In contrast, the rate of pyruvate uptake increased linearly with respect to the substrate concentration and was 5-fold less than malate at a concentration of 5 mM. Malate uptake was inhibited by inorganic phosphate (Pi), glutamate, malonate, succinate, 2-oxoglutarate, and n-butyl malonate, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial malate/Pi-exchange translocator. Back-exchange experiments confirmed that malate was taken up by leucoplasts in counterexchange for Pi. The exchange stoichiometry was 1:l. The rate of malate-dependent fatty acid synthesis by isolated leucoplasts was 3-fold greater than from pyruvate at a concentration of 5 mM and was inhibited by n-butyl malonate. It is proposed that leucoplasts from developing castor endosperm contain a malate/Pi translocator that imports malate for fatty acid synthesis. This type of dicarboxylate transport activity has not been identified previously in plastids.During seed development the major metabolic activity of castor (Ricinus communis L.) endosperm is involved with the conversion of Suc to storage lipids (Canvin, 1963). This pathway involves the metabolism in severa1 subcellular compartments, which must interact by means of common intermediates. A key component of the pathway is de novo fatty acid synthesis, which is located in the plastid. In vitro studies using isolated leucoplasts from developing castor endosperm have demonstrated that carbon can be incorporated into fatty acids from a variety of potential precursors, including glycolytic intermediates, malate, and acetate (Mil The John