We investigate radio-frequency (rf) reflectometry in a tunable carbon nanotube double quantum dot coupled to a resonant circuit. By measuring the in-phase and quadrature components of the reflected rf signal, we are able to determine the complex admittance of the double quantum dot as a function of the energies of the single-electron states. The measurements are found to be in good agreement with a theoretical model of the device in the incoherent limit. Besides being of fundamental interest, our results present an important step forward towards non-invasive charge and spin state readout in carbon nanotube quantum dots. PACS numbers: 73.63.Fg, 73.63.Kv, 73.23.Hk, 03.67.Lx An important requirement in any quantum information processing scheme is fast manipulation and readout of the quantum system in which the quantum information is encoded. This requires an understanding of the response of the quantum system at finite frequencies which, in the case of an electronic device, involves an understanding of its complex admittance [1,2]. Of particular interest in the context of quantum information processing are double quantum dots which are widely used to define charge and spin qubits [3]. However, while double quantum dots have been investigated in detail over the last decade, experiments to measure and analyze their complex admittance have not yet been performed and this topic has only recently been addressed theoretically [4]. The admittance of quantum dots at finite frequencies is non-trivial as exemplified by recent experiments on single quantum dots [5,6]. The physics is even richer for double quantum dots as internal charge dynamics, i.e. charge transfer between the quantum dots, has to be taken into account. However, the dependence of the admittance on the internal charge dynamics also provides a route towards charge and spin state readout [7].In this work we present a detailed experimental study of the complex admittance of a carbon nanotube double quantum dot which is measured using rf reflectometry techniques. The measurements are compared with a theoretical model of the device where we use a density matrix approach to calculate the double quantum dot admittance. The good quantitative agreement between the experimental and theoretical results allows us to determine the effective conductance and susceptance of the double dot as a function of the energies of the single-electron states. Our measurements thus present a first quantitative analysis of the complex admittance of a double quantum dot. The demonstrated technique also provides the basis for a simple and fast detection scheme for charge and spin state readout in carbon nanotubes -a material with considerable potential for spin-based quantum information processing [8-13] -without the need for a separate charge detector [14].The device we consider is a carbon nanotube grown by chemical vapour deposition on degenerately doped Si ter- minated by 300 nm SiO 2 , see Fig. 1(a). The nanotube is contacted by Au source and drain electrodes which form the outer ...