Anderson localization of Bogoliubov excitations is studied for disordered lattice Bose gases in planar quasi-one-dimensional geometries. The inverse localization length is computed as function of energy by a numerical transfer-matrix scheme, for strips of different widths. These results are described accurately by analytical formulas based on a weak-disorder expansion of backscattering mean free paths.
I. SETTING, OBJECTIVES, AND SCOPESingle-particle Anderson localization in quasi-1D geometries with correlated disorder is already a challenging problem [1][2][3][4]. With interactions, the situation becomes even more interesting. Here, we study the localization properties of the Bogoliubov quasi-particles (BQP) of weakly disordered Bose gases at zero temperature on quasi-1D lattices. While interactions tend to screen the disorder and thus stabilize extended (quasi-)condensates [5] for weak disorder [6,7], BQPs are expected to be localized irrespective of their energy or disorder strength in low dimensions [8][9][10], thus emulating noninteracting particles in the orthogonal Wigner-Dyson universality class [11]. Yet, BQPs differ qualitatively from noninteracting particles because of their collective, phononlike behavior at low energy. Moreover, they experience a randomness mediated by the inhomogeneous condensate background, which responds nonlinearly and nonlocally to the bare disorder [12][13][14]. This interplay has been extensively examined in 1D [15][16][17][18], where direct backscattering provides the only pathway to localization.In this Letter, we discuss the localization length of BQPs on quasi-1D planar lattices of transverse width N × 1 (shown in Fig. 1a). While the techniques developed below also apply to N x ×N y bars, strips provide the simplest realization of a multi-channel geometry, where phase-coherent scattering between modes is the rule. The bosons are described by the Bose-Hubbard (BH) model with on-site interaction U > 0, hopping t (with periodic boundary conditions across the strip) and on-site disorder V x . The random potential V x is drawn from a Gaussian distribution and has no spatial correlation on the lattice scale, V x V x = δ xx V 2 , where the bar denotes disorder averaging and V 2 is the on-site variance. For each realization of disorder, the mean-field (MF) ground-state density n x is determined by the condensate amplitude Φ x = √ n x that solves the discrete Gross-Pitaevskii (GP)where the sum runs over the nearest neighbors of x. The chemical potential µ controls the average occupation n = n x . In the limit of large occupations [19], an expansion of the BH Hamiltonian around the MF solution yields the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equationswhere u x and v x are the BQP particle and hole components at energy E. These Bogoliubov excitations determine ground-state properties as well as the (thermo-) dynamical response of the system. In the remainder of this paper, we compute the dependence of the BQP localization length on the excitation energy. We first present a numerical transfer-m...