FIGURE 1.2. Radial Cross-Section o f the TN-8L Cask Lead Rear Shock Absorbing Cover ~~ Fuel Compartment (3) / Lid Recess Trunnion Lid 4 Impact Limiter Impact Limiter (w/o Gussets). FIGURE 1.3. Isometric View o f the TN-8L Cask 1. 3 49 CFR 107. Rule-Making Procedures for the Materials Transportation Bureau 49 CFR 171. General Information, Regulations, and Definitions 49 CFR 172. Hazardous Materials Table and Hazardous Materials Communi cations Regul at i ons 49 CFR 173. Shippers-General Requirements for Shipments and Packages 49 CFR 177. Carriage by Public Highway 49 CFR 178. Shipping Container Specifications 10 CFR 71. Package and Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material under Certain Circumstances 1.6