We report a theoretical investigation on spin-Hall conductance fluctuation of disordered four terminal devices in the presence of Rashba or/and Dresselhaus spin-orbital interactions in two dimensions. As a function of disorder, the spin-Hall conductance GsH shows ballistic, diffusive and insulating transport regimes. For given spin-orbit interactions, a universal spin-Hall conductance fluctuation (USCF) is found in the diffusive regime. The value of the USCF depends on the spinorbit coupling tso, but is independent of other system parameters. It is also independent of whether Rashba or Dresselhaus or both spin-orbital interactions are present. When tso is comparable to the hopping energy t, the USCF is a universal number ∼ 0.18e/4π. The distribution of GsH crosses over from a Gaussian distribution in the metallic regime to a non-Gaussian distribution in the insulating regime as the disorder strength is increased.PACS numbers: 71.70. Ej, 72.15.Rn, The notion of dissipation-less spin-current 1 has attracted considerable interests recently. In its simplest form, a spin-current is about the flow of spin-up electrons in one direction, say +x, accompanied by the flow of equal number of spin-down electrons in the opposite direction, −x. The total charge current in the x-direction is therefore zero, I e = e(I ↑ + I ↓ ) = 0; and the total spincurrent is finite: I s = /2(I ↑ − I ↓ ) = 0. For a pure semiconductor system with spin-orbital (SO) interactions, it has been shown 1 that an electric field in the z-direction can induce the flow of a spin-current in the x-direction perpendicular to the electric field: such a spin-current is dissipation-less because the external electric field does no work to the electrons flowing inside the spin-current. If the semiconductor sample has a finite x-extent, the flow of spin-current should cause a spin accumulation at the edges of the sample, resulting to a situation that spin-up electrons accumulate at one edge while spin-down electrons at the opposite edge. Hence a spin-Hall effect 2,3 is produced where chemical potentials for the two spin channels become different at the two edges of the sample. This interesting phenomenon has been subjected to extensive studies and there are several experiments reporting spin accumulation which may have provided evidence of this effect 4 . It has been shown that for a pure two dimensional (2d) sample without any impurities, the Rashba SO interaction generates a spin-Hall conductivity having universal value 3 of e/8π. It has also been shown that any presence of weak disorder destroys this spin-Hall effect in the large sample limit 5,6 . On the other hand, numerical studies have provided evidence that for mesoscopic samples, spin-Hall conductance can survive weak disorder 7,8,9 .One of the most striking quantum transport features in mesoscopic regime is the universal charge conductance fluctuation (UCF) 10,11,12 : quantum interference gives rise to the sample-to-sample fluctuation of charge conductance of order e 2 /h, independent of the details of t...