This study demonstrates through a case study that detailed analyses, even after the construction of a project, are feasible using current technologies and available data. A case study of highway 25 is used to illustrate the method and verify the levels of air contaminants from additionally induced traffic during and after the construction of highway. Natural traffic growth was removed from the effect of observed gas emissions by comparing observed levels on other further locations in the same metropolitan area. This study estimates air pollution from the additional traffic during and after the construction of A-25 extension project. NO 2 levels were spatially interpolated during peak and off-peak hour traffic and traffic density simulated on the road network for four scenarios. Comparing the four scenarios, it was found that levels of NO 2 concentrations were reduced at neighbor areas due to less traffic during the construction period. Levels of NO 2 after the construction were higher than those in 2008. The simulated traffic density for four scenarios revealed that traffic density was significantly increased on both arterial and access roads within the close vicinity of the extension project during and after its construction.