DOI: 10.3390/jcm9051438
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Treatment Motivations and Expectations in Patients with Actinic Keratosis: A German-Wide Multicenter, Cross-Sectional Trial

Abstract: Patient-centered motives and expectations of the treatment of actinic keratoses (AK) have received little attention until now. Hence, we aimed to profile and cluster treatment motivations and expectations among patients with AK in a nationwide multicenter, cross-sectional study including patients from 14 German skin cancer centers. Patients were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire. Treatment motives and expectations towards AK management were measured on a visual analogue scale from 1–10. Speci… Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(22 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…The vast number of available and approved therapies may be both a blessing and a curse. Thus, up-to-date medical practical guidelines are valuable tools that help to select the most suitable and evidence-based approach for the individual patient with additional consideration of their personal preferences [ 13 ]. However, the provided recommendations should be developed in a structured process based on a sound methodological quality to ensure reliability and engagement.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The vast number of available and approved therapies may be both a blessing and a curse. Thus, up-to-date medical practical guidelines are valuable tools that help to select the most suitable and evidence-based approach for the individual patient with additional consideration of their personal preferences [ 13 ]. However, the provided recommendations should be developed in a structured process based on a sound methodological quality to ensure reliability and engagement.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Often, the physicians first task is to motivate the older (aged 60 years and more) patient to treat AKs, as many of them are not convinced about the reasons why their conditions need to be treated because they underestimate the risk of progression to cancer [ 6 , 63 ] and have a lesser focus on pain, bleeding, discomfort, and cosmetic aspects of the condition (which are other among the main drivers of the decision to seek medical help in younger subjects) [ 6 ]. Additionally, they are often less motivated to treat their lesions by their physicians, relatives, and caregivers [ 63 ].…”
Section: Management Of the Older Patients With Aksmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Adherence is usually obtained by matching the patient’s expectations, needs, and preferences in choosing the treatment that has the characteristics that are the most coherent with a patient’s physical and mental capacity. The most common expectations of patients are a lack of impairment of daily activities when undertaking the treatment, the simplicity of applications, the short duration of the protocol, and the low frequency of treatments [ 63 ].…”
Section: Management Of the Older Patients With Aksmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…piemotivation und Patienten mit geringer Motivation zur Therapie [18]. Patienten mit hoher Therapiemotivation waren solche, die ihre Entscheidung von der Arzt-Empfehlung abhängig machen und für die Sicherheit eine zentrale Rolle spielt [18]. Moderat zur Therapie motiviert waren Patienten, die eine möglichst einfache Therapie mit nur geringen Einschränkungen des Alltags wünschten [18].…”
Section: üBersichtunclassified
“…Daher ist bei diesen Patienten eine rein läsionale Therapie nicht zu empfehlen. Nach Meinung des Expertengremiums sind feldkanzerisierte Patienten eher weniger motiviert, therapeutische Optionen anzunehmen [17], und könnten auch die Patienten sein, die hinterfragen, weshalb aktinische Keratosen überhaupt therapiert werden sollten [18].…”
Section: Therapeutische üBerlegungen Allgemeinunclassified