Abstract. Abnormal lymphangiogenesis is associated with several diseases such as tumor metastasis and lymphangioma. Human lymphangioma originated from the transformation of lymphatic endothelium is a benign malformation of lymphatic vessels and its pathogenesis has up to date not been illuminated and its cell model has also not been established. An optimized method was used to isolate lymphatic endothelial cells from human glossal lymphangioma (GL-LECs) and GL-LECs were further primarily cultured and expanded. GL-LECs were of typical cobblestone appearance when they reached confluence. The Weible-palade body was observed in the GL-LECs cytoplasm. Almost all GL-LECs were strongly positive for specific lymphatic markers FLT-4, LYVE-1 and prox-1 by immunocytochemistry. Furthermore, threedimension tube-like capillaries of GL-LECs resembled the lymphatic system in vivo, and the GL-LECs spheroids sprouted radically out to form three-dimensional buds when embedded in the cultured BME. These results indicated that high purity GL-LECs were successfully isolated and expanded. They had the abilities of tube formation and differentiation in vitro, which provide a favorable cell model for further uncovering the pathogenesis of human lymphangiomas.
IntroductionThe lymphatic system is made up of an extensive network of lymphatic capillaries, with functions of collecting interstitial fluid, macromolecules and even pointing leukocytes or tumor cells into the circulation system. Therefore, it plays a pivotal role in mediating tissue fluid homeostasis, tumor metastasis and immunological functions. Although the lymphatic system was discovered about 300 years ago, these functions have just been investigated in recent years due to the lack of the specific lymphatic markers. Recently, fms-like tyrosine kinase 4 (FLT-4), lymphatic endothelial hyaluronan receptor (LYVE-1), Prox-1, and podoplanin have been identified as the specific lymphatic endothelial cell markers and largely restricted to lymphatics in adult tissues (1-6), which provided new insights into the molecular mechanisms of lymphatics in physiologic functions and pathologic processes such as inflammations, tumor metastasis, lymphedema and lymphangioma. Human lymphangioma, which is a kind of benign tumor originated from lymphatic vessels, is largely diagnosed in children and has always been defined as congenital malformations. Although human lymphangiomas are asymptomatic in the early course, they develop and have characteristics of progressive growth, compression and infiltration into adjacent tissues. The most acceptable therapy for human lymphangioma is surgery at present, but it has many limitations such as the risk of complications and recurrence. The limitations of surgical treatment have awoken the interests in other therapeutic methods. The administration of sclerosing agents such as bleomycin and hypotonic salt solutions provokes an inflammation of the vascular endothelium leading to total or partial remission of human lymphangioma (7-11). These substances may extend...