Conventional implants have great limitations in case of atrophic maxillary and mandibular ridges. Ultimately, patients who have severely atrophied jawbones paradoxically receive little or no treatment, as long as conventional implants are considered the device of first choice. Basal implants were developed with the goal to overcome the limitations of conventional implantology, primarily for atrophied ridges or inadequate bone with the protocol of immediate loading. However, studies regarding the rehabilitation followed by placement of screwable basal implants in atrophied ridges are limited. The purpose of the study was to conduct a prospective evaluation for the feasibility of placing strategic basal implants in clinical practice along with its merits and demerits.
Materials and Methods:
A prospective study was designed to evaluate the protocol of immediate functional loading using the technology of strategic basal implants
for fixed complete arch prostheses and segmental teeth prostheses. A minimal of 10 patients selected in the age group of 20–80 years were restored with strategic basal implants irrespective of the quality and quantity of cancellous/alveolar bone following immediate functional loading protocols.
About 157 various designs of basal implants were placed in 10 patients, out of which four failed with the survival rate of 97.5% of basal implants.
The new concepts laid by basal implantology eliminate all drawbacks of conventional implantology and should be used as an adjunct to improve the quality of life of our patients. The concept of strategic implantology is innovative but reliable technique for patients in need of permanent rehabilitation.