This study was conducted at a private orchard in the Ekmale village of Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq during growing season (2020) to evaluate the effect of foliar sprays of three concentrations of zinc (0, 750, and 1500 mg.L−1 ), three concentrations of copper (0, 100, and 200 mg.L−1 ) and three concentrations of iron (0, 150, and 300 mg.L−1 ) on leaf nutrient, fruit set, as well as yield and quality of 18- years old " Halebi " pistachio trees. The nutrition solutions were sprayed on trees at two times (bud swell stage and green tip stage). Based on the obtained results, fruit set percentage, yield, and leaf nutrient were significantly affected by foliar application of a zinc, copper and iron each alone. In combination, the triple interactions among 1500mg.L−1 zinc plus 200mg.L−1 copper and 300mg.L−1 iron was the most affected one which exceed significantly on the control treatment, Moreover, nutrient treatment had a significant effect on the percentage of blankness. In general, these results show that Zn, Cu and Fe fertilizers is necessary for obtaining better yield and fruit quality in " Halebi " pistachio trees.