Among the diseases that can lead to miscarriage and premature termination of a planned pregnancy, hyperestrogenic conditions play an important role. The state of impaired synthesis of estradiol metabolites significantly affects the development of mastopathy, endometrial hyperplasia, impaired implantation of fertilized eggs, metabolic disorders in women and is a risk factor for cancer of the reproductive system.To date, the urgency of the problem of hormonal diseases of the female reproductive system, including the mammary glands, is beyond doubt. In this case, dyshormonal diseases of the breast are a reflection of hormonal disorders of the entire female body and serve as a basis for the development of breast cancer. The main method of treatment for dyshormonal processes is hormone replacement therapy, but currently there is an alternative to hormonal drugs, which include non-hormonal phytotherapeutic complexes based on the biologically active substances indole-3-carbinol, barberry extract and polyphenols that normalize estrogen antiproliferative activity, have an antioxidant effect, implement antitumor action.