“…Other missing data mechanisms are respectively Missing Completely at Random, when missingness does not depend on observed and/or missing values in the data matrix, and Not Missing at Random, when given the observed data, the distribution of missing data indicator matrix still depends on the missing values. There are several approaches to deal with missingness (Little and Rubin 1987;McKnight, McKnight, Sidani and Figueredo 2007): ignoring and deleting data (i.e., Listwise deletion and Discarding instances), availablecase methods (i.e., pairwise delection), non-model based imputation procedures (i.e., unconditional mean imputation, conditional mean imputation), model-based imputation procedures, either implicit models, founded on implicit assumptions on the proximity between individuals belonging to the data set (i.e., hot deck imputation, cold deck imputation, substitution method, composite methods (Sande 1983;Ford 1983;David, Little, Samuel and Triest 1986)), or explicit models, based on a statistical model to describe the predictive distribution of missing data, i.e., linear regression, logistic regression (Little 1992;Ibrahim 1990;Ibrahim, Lipsitz and Chen 1999), multiple imputation methods (Rubin 1987), EM algorithm (Dempster, Laird and Rubin 1977), distribution free methods such as non parametric regression (Chu and Cheng 1995) and tree-based methods (Lakshminarayan, Harp, Goldman and Samad 1996;Barcena and Tusell 2000;Conversano 2002, 2008;Conversano and Siciliano 2009). …”