Internal variability has been identified together with model response and emission scenario uncertainty as one of the sources of uncertainty in climate projections ( e.g., Deser et al., 2010;Hawkins & Sutton, 2009 ). In fact, on time scales of typically a few decades into the future, internal variability is a major contributor to the overall uncertainty in climate projections. The advances in numerical modeling in recent decades ( Eyring et al., 2016;IPCC, 2013IPCC, , 2021 work toward a better estimation of models' responses to radiative forcing, but the influence of internal variability remains important, especially on regional scales. Due to its dominant relevance on shorter time scales, internal variability has the potential to diminish or even reverse the long-term effect of anthropogenic forcing over a limited period ( Hawkins & Sutton, 2009 ). Being stochastic in nature, internal variability restricts us from making a direct comparison between historical model simulations and observations, and concerning future projections, it interferes with the time of emergence of the forced signal. Since the effect of these natural fluctuations in the climate system cannot be neglected for decadal time scales, statistical approaches of quantifying and understanding it need to be considered.The relevance of internal variability for a climate variable may be gathered from the ratio between the variable's response to a forced signal and the fluctuations that it exhibits due to the chaotic nature of the climate system, also known as the signal-to-noise ratio. A climate variable that is suspected to have a low signal-to-noise ratio, but still maintains a pronounced response to anthropogenic forcing on the decadal timescale, is the downward surface solar radiation ( SSR ) (