Introduction. The paper deals with modeling of organizational-economic interaction between territorial units of municipal and regional level. Dynamic of the economic security indicators of municipal areas in the Omsk region is presented, problems of strategic management of municipal development are analyzed, the author’s cross-functional model of regional interaction is presented. In addition, the role of municipal partnership in the process of regional interaction is shown.Materials and methods. The indices of economic security of the municipal entities in the Omsk region in the social, economic, financial spheres and the integrated index are calculated. Using the method of cross-functional modeling of business processes, the authors’ organizational and economic model of regional interaction has been formed.Results. Negative results of the assessment of the main indicators of the municipalities’ economic security show that it is necessary to develop regional cooperation in the Omsk region. Currently, there are such forms of interaction between municipalities as associations of municipalities in the Omsk region, joint meetings of regional and municipal authorities on strategic and current problems of the territories. But these forms of interaction are formal. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to organize “vertical” and intermunicipal processes of strategic management in economic development and security.Discussion and conclusion. There are processes of organizing regional interaction on the basis of ensuring the economic security of the region. It requires an organizational and economic model that reflects the roles of the municipals in these processes, including the municipal partnership, the sequence of their actions and key indicators. Accordingly, the developed model of regional interaction could become the basis for the formation of the system and the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the economic security of the region.