Abstract:This introduction to the second annual review issue of Hydrological Processes tries to put the collection of papers on preferential flows and travel time distributions into a more general context of testing models as hypotheses about how catchment systems function. It is suggested that, because of the possibilities of non-stationary and epistemic errors in both data and models, such tests could be carried out within a rejectionist limits-of-acceptability framework. The principles and difficulties of hypothesis testing within these particular research areas are discussed. An important point to take from this discussion is that the use of a formal testing framework, and the consequent rejection of models as hypotheses after allowing for uncertainties in the data, is the starting point for developing better theories and data sets. easy to suggest that one of the most productive frameworks for such an interaction might be in testing quantitative hydrological models as hypotheses about how a hydrological system is functioning (see also the earlier Hydrological Processes invited commentary of Beven, 2001). There is clearly no shortage of numerical models that might be considered as feasible hypotheses, the difficulty is differentiating between them as hypotheses so that we can work towards getting the right hydrological predictions for the right reasons. Field data, however, are not often collected in experimental catchments with this aim in mind, but rather with extending our perceptual understanding of how catchments work. The quantitative modelling often comes later, as an approximation.This has certainly been the case with the focus on the articles in this annual review issue of Hydrological Processes, which are concerned with preferential flows and travel time distributions. From the papers presented, it is clear that in both of these areas there is still significant progress to be made in the understanding and theoretical representation of the relevant processes in hypotheses and models. There is, as yet, no real consensus as to how to quantify the effects of preferential flow pathways at hillslope and catchment scales, nor as to what form of travel time distributions should be used in different conditions. We tend rather to resort to the fitting of different functions to whatever observational data are available, often without taking any explicit account of which underlying process mechanisms might be involved.