“…Although premotor neurons in RPcvm apparently project to several motor nuclei, in addition to those of MV and MVIId that innervate jaw closer and opener muscles, viz., XII l, which innervates the intrinsic tongue muscles (Wild and Zeigler, 1980; Wild, 1981, 1990); MVIIv, which innervates extrinsic tongue retractor muscles (Wild and Zeigler, 1980; Arends and Dubbeldam, 1982; Bout, 1987; Dubbeldam and Bout, 1990); and IXr, which innervates the tongue protractor muscle, M. geniohyoideus (Wild, 1981; Bout, 1987), the only trigeminal motor subnucleus that did not appear to receive a projection from RPcvm was that innervating the muscles of the lower eyelid (den Boer et al, 1986; Wild, 1999). Thus, the jaw muscle motor nuclei receive the heaviest innervation from RPcvm, in keeping with the vital role of the jaw muscles in feeding, preening, and gape modulation during vocalization.…”