Turbulence small-scale behavior has been commonly investigated in literature by decomposing the velocity-gradient tensor (Aij) into the symmetric strain-rate (Sij) and anti-symmetric rotationrate (Wij) tensors. To develop further insight, we revisit some of the key studies using a triple decomposition of the velocity-gradient tensor. The additive triple decomposition formally segregates the contributions of normal-strain-rate (Nij), pure-shear (Hij) and rigid-body-rotation-rate (Rij). The decomposition not only highlights the key role of shear, but it also provides a more accurate account of the influence of normal-strain and pure rotation on important small-scale features. First, the local streamline topology and geometry are described in terms of the three constituent tensors in velocity-gradient invariants space. Using DNS data sets of forced isotropic turbulence, the velocitygradient and pressure field fluctuations are examined at different Reynolds numbers. At all Reynolds numbers, shear contributes the most and rigid-body-rotation the least toward the velocity-gradient magnitude (A 2 ). Especially, shear contribution is dominant in regions of intermittency (high values of A 2 ). It is also shown that the high-degree of enstrophy intermittency reported in literature is due to the shear contribution toward vorticity rather than that of rigid-body-rotation. The study also provides an explanation for the absence of intermittency of the pressure-Laplacian, despite the strong intermittency of enstrophy and dissipation fields. Overall, it is demonstrated that triple decomposition offers unique and deeper understanding of velocity-gradient behavior in turbulence. *