Abstract. -Two-and three-particle correlation functions are computed from video-microscopy data of two-dimensional suspensions of charged colloids and inverted to derive the pair and three-body interaction potentials between the colloidal particles. Our method allows to resolve the full spatial dependence of the three-body potentials. Examining colloidal systems at different colloid densities, we find density-independent, attractive three-body potentials, with a minimum of a few kT that is most pronounced in the equilateral triangle configuration.A simple liquid is a liquid consisting of particles which interact with pair potentials only dependent on the particle separations. A charge-stabilized colloidal suspension, by contrast, is a complex fluid: here the inter-particle interaction is governed by the inhomogeneous distribution of electrolyte ions between the highly charged colloids. Only in certain limiting cases, is it possible to integrate out the ionic degrees of freedom, leading to an effective colloid-colloid potential of the Yukawa form. This pair potential is an essential element of the classic DerjaguinLandau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory of interactions in charge-stabilized colloids [1,2]. In general, however, the interaction between colloids in a charge-stabilized suspension may not be expected to be pairwise additive: many-body interactions among the colloids can be important, primarily under low salt conditions and for highly charged colloids. A good example is the three-body interaction potential which has received some attention recently: it has been theoretically predicted [3][4][5], and also experimentally observed [6,7]. In [6, 7] a video-microscopy experiment is described, examining in what way the presence of a third charged colloid in the neighborhood of a pair of colloids affects their mutual interaction. By decomposing the measured total interaction potential in an appropriate way, the three-particle interaction potentials could be extracted and successfully compared to theoretical Poisson-Boltzmann calculations.Examining only three isolated particles remains a somewhat artificial situation, considering that, in reality, colloids live together in a suspension of finite density. Therefore, in order to prove that three-body potentials are present also in concentrated colloidal suspensions, one has to observe three-body forces "at work", that is, one has to infer the shape and magnitude of the three-body potential from analyzing the particle coordinates of a large number of colloids which are together in a concentrated suspension. In this letter, we compute correlation functions and extract from these functions the whole three-body interaction potentials among the colloids. Since from two-particle correlations one obtains microscopic information only on the level of pair interactions, we have to analyze pair and, in addition, triplet correlation Letters (EPL) ; 69 (2005), 3. -S. 468-474 https://dx