Carotenoid spheroidene (SPO) works for photoprotection in the photosynthetic reaction centers (RC) and effectively dissipates its triplet excitation energy. Sensitized cis-totrans isomerization was proposed as the possible mechanism for a singlet-triplet energy crossing for the 15,15′-cis-SPO; however, it has been questioned recently. To understand the dissipative proto-protective mechanism of this important SPO and to overcome the existing controversies on this issue, we carried out a theoretical investigation using density functional theory on the possible triplet energy relaxation mechanism through the cis-to-trans isomerization. Together with the earlier experimental observations, the possible mechanism was discussed for the triplet energy relaxation of the 15,15′-cis-SPO. The result shows that complete cis-to-trans isomerization is not necessary. Twisting C15-C15′ bond leads singlettriplet energy crossing at (14,15,15′,14′) = 77 o at the energy 32.5 kJ/mol (7.7 kcal/mol) higher than that of the T 1 15,15′-cis minimum. Further exploration of the minimum-energy intersystem crossing (MEISC) point shows that triplet relaxation could happen at a less distorted structure ( =58.4 o ) with the energy height of 6.3 kcal/mol. Another important reaction coordinate to reach the MEISC point is the bond-length alternation. The model truncation effect, the solvent effect, and the spin-orbit coupling were also investigated. The singlet-triplet crossing was also investigated for the 13,14-cis stereoisomer and locked-13,14-cis-SPO. We also discussed the origin of the natural selection of cis over trans isomer in the RC.