We have found that an organic molecule as simple as p-anisaldehyde efficiently catalyzes the intermolecular atomtransfer radical addition (ATRA) of a variety of haloalkanes onto olefins, one of the fundamental carbon-carbon bondforming transformations in organic chemistry. The reaction requires exceptionally mild reaction conditions to proceed, as it occurs at ambient temperature and under illumination by a readily available fluorescent light bulb. Initial investigations support a mechanism whereby the aldehydic catalyst photochemically generates the reactive radical species by sensitization of the organic halides by an energy-transfer pathway.Atom-transfer radical addition (ATRA) [1] to alkenes provides a clear demonstration of the utility of radical reactivity in organic synthesis. The chemistry, pioneered by Kharasch almost 70 years ago, [2] has evolved to become an atomeconomical and effective way to functionalize easily available olefinic substrates, mainly thanks to the contributions from the groups of Curran, [1b, 3] Oshima, [4] and Renaud. [5] The addition of an organic halide across a carbon-carbon double bond generates a new CÀC and CÀX bond (X = halogen) in a single operation. This reactivity is also at the heart of atomtransfer radical polymerization (ATRP) processes. [1a,c] ATRA proceeds through a radical chain propagation mechanism (Figure 1 a), and the formation of the radicals from alkyl halides classically requires stoichiometric amounts of initiators, such as organotin reagents, [3] triethyl borane, [4] or potentially explosive oxidants, [2] and high reaction temperatures. Recently, metal-mediated catalysis, [6] including metalbased photoredox catalysis driven by visible light, [7] has further expanded the potential of the ATRA technology.However, we still need a suitable approach for generating radical intermediates under mild reaction conditions which avoids expensive transition-metal catalysts or toxic reagents.Herein, we describe a strategy that addresses this gap in synthetic methodology. Motivated by our interest in devising metal-free photochemical processes, [8] we have found that an organic molecule as simple as p-anisaldehyde (1 a) can efficiently catalyze the intermolecular ATRA of a variety of haloalkanes (2) onto olefins (3; Figure 1 b). The chemistry requires irradiation from a household 23 W compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb to proceed, and ambient temperature is sufficient for achieving functionalized olefins (4) with synthetically useful results. Initial investigations support a mechanism whereby the aldehydic catalyst generates the reactive radical species by energy transfer [9] to the haloalkane substrates. Although the utility of UV-absorbing organic chromophores as triplet photosensitizers has been wellestablished for decades, [10] applications of triplet sensitization induced by readily available CFL light sources have found limited use in synthetic chemistry so far. [11] Our initial explorations toward an ATRA protocol under mild reaction conditions focused on the...