Resume.-Les substances volatiles des leuilles, de Ia pulpe et des amandes des fruits de l'arganier (Argania spinosa) on! ete etudiees pour Ia premiere lois par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplee a Ia spectrometrie de masse.Trente composes volatils ont ete detectes chez cene espece endemique du SudOuest marocain. Vint-cinq composes ont ete detectes dans les leuilles doni les principaux son! le 14-methylidene-2,6,1 0-trimethylhexadecene, les (E) et (Z)-2,6,1 0-trimethylhexadeca-1,3-diene, le p-hydroxyphenylethanol, l'octan-3-one et Ia pulegone. La pulpe contient sept composes volatils dont le 5-methyl-2-lurlural, les (E) et (Z) but-2-enol et l'acide methylbutyrique. Peu de substances volatiles ont ete detectees dans les amandes des graines.Summary.-Argania spinosa, an endemic species from western-south of Morocco, was investigated lor volatile components using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. As far as we know, it is the first time that volatile constituents of A. spinosa are identified. Thirty volatile compounds were detected from leaves, pulp and kernel of fruit. The main constituents of leaves were 14-methylidene-2,6,1 0-trimethylhexadecene, (E) and (Z)-2,6,1 0-trimethylhexadeca-1,3-diene, p-hydroxyphenylethanol, octan-3-one and pulegone. 5-Methyl-2-lurlural, (E) and (Z) but-2-enol and methylbutyric acid were detected in the pulp. Only 14-methylidene-2,6,1 0-trimethylhexadecene was identified in kernel of fruit.