It was found out that non-ion detergent X-100 changed the leaf and root morphological traits in sugarbeet ( L.). Appearance of induced changes in Beta vulgaris sugarbeet was observed as a result of Triton X-100 effect on the multi-dimensional system of inherited information coding. These changes could be retained for a longer time with large number of cell generations which suggests Triton X-100 to be used as an epimutagen of a new type. epigenetics, epimutagen, Triton X-100, inherited Keywords information coding, sugarbeet.In the recent research, it was revealed that Triton X-100, usually used as a non-polar detergent to affect the membrane structure and separate proteins from them (Barsukov, 2004), can also induce inherited changes of morphological traits in wheat (Makhmudova, 2007;Makhmudova ., 2008Makhmudova ., , 2009. et al In these experiments, spring common wheat seeds were treated with Triton X-100 0.1 % solution during germination. Such treatment led to a 100 % variability of spike morphology and to appearance of denser and squareheaded spikes, also multispikelet and branchy spikes (Makhmudova, 2007;Makhmudova , 2008Makhmudova , , 2009). The ability of Triton X-100 to et al. change the interaction of nucleoproteins with the nuclear matrix may lay ground for the inheritance of such changes. Such an effect well accords with the model of multi-dimensiality of coding of plant inherited information (Levites, 2003(Levites, , 2005(Levites, , 2007. According to this model, the inherited information is coded not only by nucleotide sequences but also by a differential endoreduplication degree of certain chromosome sites. In this model, the processes of DNA chromosome interaction with the nuclear membrane and nuclear matrix play a considerable role. According to the model, a cell under embryogenesis gets rid of excessive chromatid site copies; thereafter only the pair of copies of this or that chromatid site, which attached to the nuclear membrane or nuclear matrix (Levites, 2003(Levites, , 2005(Levites, , 2007, remain in the cell. The model was being elaborated on the basis of studying sugarbeet epigenetic variability (Levites et al., 1998;Levites and Kirikovich, 2003). In this connection, the focus was on analyzing the effect of Triton X-100 on sugarbeet. Changes in morphological and biochemical traits in experimental plants are in favour of the proposed model. The present research, that aims at investigating the effect of Triton X-100 on of morphological traits, sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) is the first stage of the number of research activities including the effect of Triton X-100 also at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels of biological organization.Seeds obtained by self-crosses from the sugarbeet agamospermous plant with laboratory number 8-3 were involved in the research. Control seeds were soaked in Petri dishes in a thermostat at 29 C. Experimental seeds were soaked 0 in the 0.1 % Triton X-100 solution for 18 h at 29 C. Then they 0 were washed in the running water and placed into the thermost...