The present study was designed to compare the efficacy of 3 different extenders for preservation of boar semen at 15°C. Ejaculates (32) were evaluated and extended (1:4) in TRIXcell+, Modena and GEPS extenders and kept for 4 h of holding at 22°C. The samples were preserved in a BOD incubator at 15°C up to 168 h and evaluated for sperm motility, intact acrosome and HOST-reacted sperm at 0, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 h of preservation. The mean percentage of sperm motility, intact acrosome and HOST-reacted sperm was significantly higher in TRIXcell+ extender than Modena and GEPS at different hours of preservation. Out of the 3 extenders studied, TRIXcell+ was found to be the best followed by Modena and GEPS extenders respectively based on sperm motility, intact acrosome and HOST.