tropical hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) contributes significantly to the society and economy of Bangladesh, India and Myanmar, but little is known about their habitats across the life cycle and their relationship with environmental drivers. this study describes spatial and temporal variability of productivity in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) relating to hilsa fishery. Decadal data on net primary productivity, nutrients (i.e. nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and zooplankton were collected from Aqua MODIS, world ocean database and COPEPOD respectively with spatial resolution 1°×1°. Moreover, monthly abundance of phytoplankton, hilsa catch and long-term catch dynamics were analyzed to determine the associations between variables. The present study was extended over 3.568 million km 2 area, of which 0.131-0.213 million km 2 area characterized as the most productive with net primary production of >2,000 mg C/m 2 /day, 0.373-0.861 million km 2 area as moderately productive with 500-2,000 mg C/m 2 /day, and 2.517-3.040 million km 2 area as the least productive with <500 mg C/m 2 / day which were consistent with field verification data. In case of nutrients, the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta was rich in nitrate and phosphate than that of the Ayeyarwady delta, while silicate concentration persisted high all over the northern BoB including the deltas. A peak abundance of phytoplankton was observed in GBM delta during the months of August-November, when ~80% of total hilsa are harvested in Bangladesh annually. Variations in seasonal productivity linked with nutrients and phytoplankton abundance are important factors for predicting hilsa habitat and their migration patterns in the deltaic regions and shelf waters of BoB. These results can be useful in forecasting potential responses of the hilsa in BoB ecosystem to changing global ocean productivity. The Bay of Bengal (BoB), which shares many characteristics of the Indian Ocean, is a distinctive system characterized by shallow oceanic arm, deposition of sediment, freshwater plume, seasonal reversal of ocean currents, semidiurnal tides, oxygen-rich surface waters, and abundant biodiversity and fisheries resources 1. The northern BoB has the widest shallow shelf region, extending more than 100 nautical miles (=185 km), which is 3-4 times wider in Bangladesh than that in the Myanmar, eastern coast of India and a global average of 65 km. Nutrient is the major driver of primary productivity in BoB 2,3. The coupled climate-oceanographic processes (e.g. atmospheric depressions and tropical cyclone, storm surge, internal wave, eddy pumping, and river inputs) are injecting nutrients to the shallow zone and thereby promoting the primary production in upper layers of coastal waters 4-6 , although productivity of an area or ecosystem is dependent on many other bio-physico-chemical parameters such as light 7,8. Phytoplankton is the base of marine food web and thus primary productivity is a key driver of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton dynamics influencing the planktivorous and predatory...