Role of TRP channels in thermosensation.The abilities of sensing and differentiating environmental temperatures are important functions performed by almost all organisms. However, different organisms handle this fundamental function by different mechanisms and by recruiting different sets of molecules that can sense different temperatures. 6,7 In this context, TRP channels are particularly interesting since some TRP channels can be activated by different temperatures.8-10 Such thermo-sensitive TRP channels are quite selective for different temperature ranges in which they can be activated.11 Such temperature ranges cover from noxious cold to noxious heat. It has, therefore, been speculated that the thermo-sensitive TRP channels are responsible for thermosensation and for the maintenance of the normal body temperature.12-14 However, the molecular mechanisms by which these thermo-sensitive TRP channels recognize different temperatures remain unanswered.15,16 Recent electrophysiological and knockout studies show that the molecular mechanism of thermosensation can not be solely dependent on the TRP channels. Molecules other than TRP channels are also involved in this process in a more complex manner than it was thought before. [17][18][19][20][21] In fact many of the animals lacking TRP channels show normal thermosensation. 22,23 On the other hand, some animals genetically lacking molecules other than the TRP channels also manifest altered thermosensation. For example mice lacking P2Y2 receptor reveals abnormal thermal nociception. 24 Taking together, these studies indicate that a complex network is operating behind the molecular mechanisms of thermosensation.Previously it has been shown that swapping the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of a cold receptor (TRPM8) with a hot receptor (TRPV1) makes the cold receptor recognize high temperature and vice versa. 25 This indicated that the C-terminal
TRP channelsWhat's happening? Reflections in the wake of the 2009 TRP Meeting, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm