The bright colours of parrots are caused by psittacofulvin pigments, which appear unique to this Order, and by structural colours. We measured red (psittacofulvin), green (mixed) and blue (structural) colours of wild burrowing parrots Cyanoliseus patagonus of northeastern Patagonia, Argentina, and measured nestlings regularly to obtain data on breeding success and nestling growth. As adult feathers are moulted outside the breeding season, adult body condition could not be measured directly during feather growth, and climatic conditions were used as an indirect parameter. The colony of burrowing parrots is surrounded by Monte steppe habitat, the breeding success has been shown to depend strongly on the climatic patterns. The area experienced a drought with very poor breeding success as well as a year of above‐average precipitation during the study period, serving as a natural experiment. We thus analysed the variability of colouration within the population among and within breeding seasons. We observed strong inter‐annual differences in nestling and adult colouration. Nestlings grew blue feathers with lower achromatic brightness during better conditions, and when controlling for year effects, nestlings with higher mass and from more successful families also had blue feathers with lower achromatic brightness. Adult blue feathers showed the same trend, with lower achromatic brightness in the moult following breeding seasons of better conditions. In contrast, during better conditions, adults grew red feathers with higher achromatic brightness and the colour hue was also affected, and the hue of the red region of nestlings varied with the hatching order. The colour of all three regions of nestlings varied between nests, and the colour of the red region of adult males positively correlated with breeding success (clutch size, brood size). In summary, the present data suggest that environmental conditions contribute to variability in both structural and the psittacofulvin‐based colours of wild burrowing parrots.