Membranes of sacroplasmic reticulum prepared from dog hearts are phosphorylated by [32P]-orthophosphate in the presence of a calcium load and magnesium. The [32P]phosphate incorporation into sarcoplasmic reticulum follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Michaelis Constant of 0.5 mM for orthophosphate (pH 7.0). The phosphorylation is pH-dependent, with an optimum pH of 6.0-6.2 (maximum phosphoprotein steady state level 0.6-0.8 nmoljmg protein).The phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum by [32P]orthophosphate is strongly inhibited by calcium in the medium. Half-maximum inhibition occurs at an ionized calcium concentration of about 0.8 pM. The phosphoprotein steady-state level is reduced by 85 -90 % by phospholipase-A treatment or solubilization of calcium-preloaded sarcoplasmic reticulum with Triton X-100.The phosphoprotein of sarcoplasmic reticulum formed from [32P]orthophosphate is dephosphorylated by ADP with resultant in ATP synthesis. Phosphoprotein formation and ATP synthesis by sarcoplasmic reticulum are unaltered by azide, dinitrophenol, dicyclohexyl carbodiimide and oligomycin.The phosphoprotein is acid-stable. The trichloroacetic-acid-denaturated 32P-labelled membrane complex is dephosphorylated by hydroxylamine, indicating that the phosphorylated protein is an acylphosphate.Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (performed with phenol/acetic acidjwater) of sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylated by [32P]orthophosphate demonstrates that the phosphate incorporation occurs into a protein with a molecular weight of about 100000, as in the case of phosphoprotein formation from ATP.The data suggest that the phosphoprotein of the calcium-dependent ATPase formed from inorganic phosphate represents a high-energy intermediate of the reverse reaction of the calcium pump of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum.ATP-driven calcium uptake by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum [l -31 occurs via the formation of a phosphorylated intermediate of the calciumdependent ATPase [4-71, similar to the process described for skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum [8 -111. However, there are several quantitative differences between the calcium pumps of cardiac and skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum insofar as the rates of calcium uptake, calcium-dependent ATP splitting and ATP-ADP phosphate exchange, as well as the phosphoprotein steady-state level formed from ATP are lower in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum [l -71 as compared with skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum [12 -161. These observations do not appear to be fully explained by the lower yield of ATPase protein present in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum fractions [7].Moreover, ATP synthesis from ADP and inorganic phosphate by sarcoplasmic reticulum [17 -201, which proceeds via the phosphorylation of the calciumdependent ATPase by inorganic phosphate [17-191, has been demonstrated to occur in sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle, but not in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum.Phosphorylation of the calcium-dependent ATPase of dog hearts by inorganic phosphate was investi...