Data on the structure, polymorphism, phase equilibria, Data on the structure, polymorphism, phase equilibria, growth techniques, properties and applications of single crystals growth techniques, properties and applications of single crystals of the low-temperature modification of barium borate are ana-of the low-temperature modification of barium borate are analysed. The bibliography includes 201 references. lysed. The bibliography includes 201 references.
P P FedorovA V Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 59, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation. Fax (7-095) 135 10 11. Tel. (7-095) 330 78 74. Barium borate b b-BaB 2 O 4 as a material for nonlinear optics P P Fedorov, A E Kokh, N G Kononova Contents { In the literature, the high-temperature and the low-temperature modifications of barium borate are, as a rule, designated as a-BaB2O4 and b-BaB2O4, respectively (in this review, we also use these notations). However, quite the reverse notations are sometimes used. { The terminology is somewhat ambiguous. The compound having a composition BaO . B2O3 is usually treated as a salt, Ba(BO2)2, of metaboric acid (HBO2) and called barium metaborate; 2 sometimes, the same compound is called barium diborate (see, e.g., Ref. 4). However, barium diborate has another composition, namely, BaO . 2 B2O3 . 2 To match the crystal structure of BBO, it is more correct to represent its composition as Ba3(B3O6)2 .