Significant vascular complications are rare following systemic infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). This report describes a 33-year-old man who presented with a short history of abdominal discomfort and febrile episodes with no prior history of infection with TB. Ultrasound, CT scan, and aortography confirmed the presence of a pseudoaneurysm originating from the posterior aspect of the supraceliac aorta at the level of the diaphragm. Via a full thoracoabdominal approach, periaortic inflammatory tissue and the aortic wall itself were debrided, and repair of the pseudoaneurysm was achieved with a synthetic patch. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from the aortic wall, and anti-TB medications were instituted. Postoperatively the patient did well and was discharged after 14 days. As illustrated by this case, tuberculous mycotic aneurysms of the aorta are optimally treated with a combination of medical and surgical therapy, and early diagnosis is essential to ensure survival.