Comparative study between standard and inside-out vein graft techniques on sciatic nerve repair of rats. Muscular and functional analysis 1
4-Experimental SurgeryActa Cir Bras. 2017;32(3):287-296 Abstract Purpose: To compare the functional result of standart vein grafts and inside-out vein graft technique on sciatic nerve repair. Methods: We used 24 male Wistar rats divided into 4 groups: control group (CG), standard vein graft group (SVG), Inside-out vein graft group (IOVG) and denervated Group (DG). SVG, IOVG and DG underwent total section of the sciatic nerve, SVG and IOVG however underwent nerve repair surgery using a graft with normal jugular vein and inside-out jugular vein, respectively. Histological analysis of the soleus and Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL), and Sciatic Functional Index were used to compare the results after 6 weeks. Results: Both grafts acted favorably in muscle recovery and improved functionality; They were similar in all parameters, however, in more points SVG achieved similar to the CG, in the other hand IOVG more times was similar to DG. Fact that makes the graft with normal vein the most viable option between the two options. Conclusion: Both types of grafts acted beneficially wherein the graft normal vein has proved to be the best option
287Comparative study between standard and inside-out vein graft techniques on sciatic nerve repair of rats. Muscular and functional analysis Bueno CRS et al. Acta Cir Bras. 2017;32(3):287-296 288 For this purpose, the adhesion of the rat as an animal model was based on the fact that its physiological profile, its morphological structure and the biological processes involved in the nerve regeneration are quite similar to that of the human being, being a suitable model for this investigation 14 . The purpose of this study was to compare the muscular and functional results after sciatic nerve repair with the tubulization technique using the normal vein graft and the reverse vein graft, in order to determine the most favorable surgical option.
■ MethodsThe study was approved under the protocol 032/2011 by the Ethics Committee, Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo.Were used twenty-four male Wistar rats with 60 days of life in collective storage, with no restrictions on movement, respecting cycles of 12 hours of light / dark and average ambient temperature of 24°C. The animals were divided into four groups (n=6 each). Control Group (CG) and three experimental groups: Denervate Group (DG), Inside-Out Vein Graft (IOVG) and Standart Vein Graft (SVG). In all groups the right pelvic limb was used for the experimental study. The IOVG and SVG groups received autologous venous graft from the left jugular vein, but for the IOVG group, the jugular vein was inverted.
Surgical proceduresThe animals were anesthetized with a combination of Ketamine Hydrochloride (Dopalen ® ) and Xilazine Hydrochloride (Anasedan ® ), administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.10 ml/100g body weight in the dorsolateral region of the left hind paw. Subsequen...