SUMMARYA periodic superimposed motion may notably in uence the ow structure and the development of the convective heat transfer relative to non-deformable case. In particular, a radial deformation of a circular cylinder, may cause a possible synchronization with the cylinder wake, which is itself periodic when Vortex Street takes place. This synchronization phenomenon, often called 'lock-in', may cause undesirable e ects, but may also constitute a way of controlling the wake development.Body deformability may be used as wake control device that would favourably a ect the interplay of primary and secondary vorticities, thus reducing the drag coe cient. These numerical and experimental studies are done herein for a Reynolds number equal to 23500. The problem is resolved by using the Navier-Stokes equations in the vorticity-stream function form. The vorticity transport equation is solved by a second-order ÿnite di erence method in both directions of the domains. The Poisson equation for the stream-function is solved by a SOR method. The advance in time is achieved by a second-order Adams-Bashforth scheme. The e ect of turbulence is represented by eddy viscosity t , which is determined by a sub-grid-scale model. In the present study, we use a Smagorinsky model.