Introduction. Horseshoe kidney is the most common developmental disorder of
the urinary system, which involves an anomaly of kidney fusion, and occurs
in 3% of the population. Kidneys are most often connected at the lower poles
by fibrous or parenchymal isthmus. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most
common tumor of the horseshoe kidney. Treatment involves surgical treatment
that includes heminephrectomy or partial nephrectomy with different
approaches. We report a case of RCC of a horseshoe kidney, located on lower
pole and isthmus. Case outline. A sixty-eight-year-old patient reported to
the urologist due to intermittent painless macroscopic hematuria. CT
urography revealed the presence of a tumor on the right kidney measuring 85
? 90 ? 60 mm, with radiological characteristics of RCC, which covered the
entire lower pole of the kidney towards the isthmus. Angiography finding
indicated thickened isthmus with pronounced malformation of vascular
structures. The right heminephrectomy was performed with resection of the
isthmus from 15 mm to healthy tissue. The isthmus was sutured in two layers
with a catgut suture. Subsequently, hilar, paracaval, and interaorthocaval
lymphadenectomy were performed. The pathohistological finding indicated a
tumor of renal cell origin while the resection line was free of tumor
tissue, as were the lymph nodes Conclusion. RCC is the most common neoplasm
of the horseshoe kidney. Treatment is surgical and involves open or
laparoscopic heminephrectomy or partial nephrectomy with a transperitoneal
or extraperitoneal approach.