We investigate the transport properties of superconducting films with periodic arrays of in-plane magnetized micromagnets. Two different magnetic textures are studied: a square array of magnetic bars and a close-packed array of triangular microrings. As confirmed by magnetic force microscopy imaging, the magnetic state of both systems can be adjusted to produce arrays of almost pointlike magnetic dipoles. By carrying out transport measurements with ac drive, we observed experimentally a recently predicted ratchet effect induced by the interaction between superconducting vortices and the magnetic dipoles. Moreover, we find that these magnetic textures produce vortex-antivortex patterns, which have a crucial role in the transport properties of this hybrid system. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.117005 PACS numbers: 74.78.Na, 05.40.ÿa, 74.25.Fy, 85.25.ÿj Nanoengineered arrays of vortex pinning sites have recently spawned numerous novel phenomena and potential applications based on vortex manipulation in superconductors. These structures are very suitable for tailoring the critical current and equilibrium properties [1-3] as well as for manipulating the distribution and direction of motion of flux quanta in superconducting devices [4 -7]. Such a control of vortex motion can be achieved when the periodic pinning potential lacks the inversion symmetry in a given direction, in which case any correlated fluctuating force induces a net vortex motion based on the phenomenon known as ratchet effect [8].As recently proposed by Carneiro [9], a different way to create vortex ratchets can be realized by using in-plane magnetized dots. Here the spatial inversion symmetry is broken not by the shape of the pinning sites but rather by the vortex-magnetic-dipole interaction. This dipoleinduced ratchet motion depends on the orientation and strength of the local magnetic moments thus allowing one to control the direction of the vortex drift. It is particularly this flexibility to manipulate the vortex motion which makes this kind of pinning potentials attractive for practical applications, although still a clear experimental corroboration is pending. In the present work, we demonstrate in a series of transport experiments that in-plane magnetized dipoles can indeed rectify vortex motion. Moreover, the rectified voltage induced by the ratchet motion depends strongly on temperature and field intensity and is nonzero even at zero field. Our analysis suggests that this behavior results from the interaction between the external field-induced vortices and vortex-antivortex pairs generated by magnetic dipoles.Our measurements were performed on two samples with different magnetic templates: (i) a 50 nm thick Al film with an on-top square array (period a p 3 m) of Si=Co=Au bars (with thicknesses 5 nm=47 nm=5 nm and lateral dimensions 2:6 0:5 m 2 ), labeled Bar-Al, and (ii) a Ge=Pb=Ge trilayer (20 nm=25 nm=5 nm thick) evaporated on top of a close-packed square array of equilateral triangular Co rings (250 nm wide, 23 nm thick, with lateral siz...