By means of classical molecular dynamics simulation the interfacial properties of methanola nd n-dodecane, which are two potential candidate solvents for use in nonaqueous liquid-liquid extraction, were assessed. The question of how the interface changes dependingo nt he concentration of extractant(tri-n-butyl phosphate) and salt (LiCl) is addressed. Twod ifferent models to represent systems were used to evaluateh ow LiCl and tri-n-butyl phosphate affect mutual miscibility,a nd how the last-named behaves depending on the chemical environment. Tri-n-butylp hosphate increases the mutual solubility of the solvents, whereas LiClc ounteracts it. The extractant was found to be mostly adsorbed on the interface between the solvents, and therefore the structural features of the adsorption were investigated.A dsorption of tri-n-butyl phosphate changes depending on its concentration and the presence of LiCl. It exhibits ap referentialo rientation in which the butylc hains point at the n-dodecanep hase and the phosphate group points at the methanol phase. For high concentrations of tri-n-butyl phosphate, its molecular orientation is preserved by diffusion of the excess molecules into both the methanola nd ndodecane phases. However,L iCl hinders the diffusion into the methanolp hase, and thus increasest he concentration of tri-n-butyl phosphate at the interface and forces ar earrangement with subsequent loss of orientation.