Abstract. It is usually supposed that the above-barrier current in Schottky barriers on p-type semiconductor is controlled by the heavy holes. However, in real structures, there is an additional potential barrier caused by a oxide layer at interface. For typical values of thickness and height of a barrier its tunnel transparency for light holes can be higher by three order of magnitude than that for heavy holes and one can expect that the current is manly a contribution of light holes. To clear up this problem the investigation of transport in a magnetic field is used as a key experiment in this work. The pronounced magnetic field effect for heavy holes in investigated Pb-p-Hg 1−x Cd x Te Schottky barriers is expected only at magnetic fields B > 10 T. At the same time experimentally more than twofold decrease in saturation current is observed even at B ∼ 0.5 T at any orientation of magnetic field. The studies performed for Hg 1−x Cd x Te with different Kane's gap and at different temperatures show that the magnitude of magnetic field effect is uniquely determined by the ratio of light hole cyclotron energy to a thermal energy θ =hω clh /kT . However the magnitude of effect exceeds considerably the prediction of the simple theory. The reason of discrepancy remains a mystery.