“…For this aim, higher spatial and temporal resolution diagnostics have been developed and applied in several devices. 1 Microwave Doppler reflectometry (also called Doppler back-scattering: DBS) has the capability to measure the perpendicular velocity v ⊥ of electron density fluctuations, the radial electric field E r , and the perpendicular wavenumber spectrum S(k ⊥ ) in magnetized confinement plasmas, using its unique advantage, that is, the combination with the back-scattering method (which provides a wavenumber resolution) and reflectometry (which provides a high-spatial resolution). 2 As a result, a number of systems have been used in worldwide fusion plasma devices, such as tokamaks (Tuman-3M, 3 ASDEX Upgrade, 4,6,7 Tore Supra, 8,9 DIII-D, 10 JT-60U, 11 MAST, 12 and JET 13 ) and helical/stellarators (Wendelstein 7-AS, 2,14 TJ-II, 15 and LHD 16,17 ).…”