This study was conducted with the aim of examining secondary school students' attitudes towards physical education and sports lessons and their happiness levels in physical education lesson according to some variables. The population of this study, in which the survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was applied, consisted of secondary school students continuing their education in Vezirköprü, Samsun in the 2021-2022 academic year, while the sample was formed by simple random sampling method, with a total of 602 secondary schools (317 females and 285 males). constitutes the student. In the study, "Elementary Physical Education Attitude Scale " (EPEAS), which was adapted into Turkish by Kalemoğlu Varol, Ünlü, and Erbaş (2016), and "Physical Education Course Happiness Level Scale" (PECHLS) developed by Uğraş and Serbes (2019) were used. SPSS-24 data analysis program was used for statistical analysis of the data. T-Test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (One-Way ANOVA) and Pearson correlation tests were used for independent groups in the analysis of the data. According to the results obtained from the study, in which the significance level was accepted as 0.05, the secondary school students' Primary Education Physical Education Lesson Attitude Scale (EPEAS) and Physical Education Lesson Happiness Level Scale (PECHLS) were evaluated in all sub-dimensions such as gender, doing regular sports, being a licensed athlete, exercising outside of school and Although a significance was determined according to the variables of family members' support for participating in sports activities, no significance was determined in the age variable. It has been concluded that the students' attitudes towards physical education and sports classes and their happiness levels increase as the family income level of the students increases, as they take part in the school teams, as there are individuals who exercise regularly in the family, and as the students acquire the habit of exercising outside of school.