The Great Turkish Nation fought for many years and struggled for Independence. With Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK's declaration of the Republic, a form of government in which sovereignty rests unconditionally on the Turkish Nation, the nation gained a more democratic and freedom-based regime. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK emphasized that the Turkish Nation should always be involved in participatory management, both through parliament and civil initiatives, to protect the Republic regime and its future. Since the founding of the Republic, the developments in information and communication technologies have significantly changed public service delivery and government-citizen interaction. To develop participatory management practices, the digital governance vision comes to the fore, in which digital opportunities increase public service delivery and citizen integration. Digital governance is a more democratic and citizen-oriented management approach. It allows citizen-government and private enterprises to act with a common initiative to solve social problems. On the 100th anniversary of the Republic, the concept of digital governance is examined to increase the effectiveness of the regime based on popular will and participatory management. In accordance with this purpose, information, and evaluations about existing e-government and e-municipality applications are shared. The study is expected to increase awareness of the concept of digital governance among policymakers and citizens, thereby contributing to the development of the participatory management approach and public management effectiveness.