This document serves as a guide for the performance of calculations affecting radiological aspects of health and safety. This report follows the Development Plan (DP) Checklist and Cover Sheet for Modeling for Airborne Contamination (CRWMS M&O 1999a). This report is written in accordance with AP-3.1 lQ, Technical Reports. An activity evaluation (CRWMS M&O 1999b) has been performed in accordance with procedure QAP-2-0, Conduct of Activities. While QAP-2-0 has been superceded by AP-2.21Q, Quality Determinations and Planning for ScientiJic, Engineering, and Regulatory Compliance Activities, this evaluation remains in effect. It has determined that the activities addressed in this report are subject to the requirements of the Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (DOE 2000, Section 2.0), since this report affects items on the Q-List (YMP 2000, Section 4.0). The application of methodologies and tabulated data in this report concerns MGR radiological controVsafety as well as subsurface worker health and safety. Therefore, this report is subject to technical baseline change in accordance with items 5.2d 3) and 4) of AP-3.11Q. A Technical Change Request (T1999-0098) has been prepared in accordance with AP-3.4Q, Level 3 Change Control. Electronic control of data used to generate the results presented in Section 6.8 is maintained by means of a read-only access CD-ROM disk containing the electronic input and output files. This CD-ROM is included as part of this report in Appendix E.