There has been an overall increase in the incidence of multiple pregnancies and assisted reproduction technology is largely responsible for this rise. Although twins may appeal to couples undergoingin vitrofertilisation (IVF), they have been associated with serious health consequences to the babies, their mothers and the family unit, as well as having massive financial implications for the National Health Service. Transfer of more than one embryo during IVF is mainly responsible for IVF twins, and elective transfer of a single embryo at a time with cryopreservation of surplus embryos for later transfer has been shown to be an effective strategy to minimise the risk of twins without compromising IVF success rates. Factors that will impact on the success of the policy of elective single embryo transfer (eSET) include improvement in embryo selection for transfer, better cryopreservation techniques and adequate state funding for IVF. However, in implementing the policy of eSET it is important that each case is assessed on an individual basis since in some situations (e.g. in older women) the transfer of two embryos may be more cost effective. Adequate and continuous education of all stakeholders is essential if the policy of eSET is to be successful in the UK.